Are You In Jeopardy Of Your Wages Being Garnished?


Wage garnishment occurs when money is taken directly out of your paycheck by the entity that you owe it to before you receive the checkWage garnishments are done when you owe a creditor or the government money that you could not or would not pay of your own volition.  The creditor will get a judgment against you from the court which gives it permission to remove money from your check.  Wages may be garnished for debts owed to creditors, failure to pay student loans, or because of unpaid taxes.  The government does not need a judgment by the court to garnish your wages.

There are limits to the amount of money that can be deducted from your paycheckWage garnishment must be no more that 25% of your disposable income.  It is not uncommon for employers to hold back a larger percentage of your earned income than the 25% allowable by law.  An experienced New Jersey bankruptcy lawyer like Rafael Gomez can assist you in recovering those wages and can also educate you on the wage garnishment process.

IRS Wage Garnishment

One of the most frequent users of the wage garnishment process is the IRS.  The amount they can garnish depends on the amount of money owed, marital status and how many dependents you have.  When a state court orders a garnishment, state law determines the maximum amount that may be removed from your paycheck.

It is mandatory for the IRS to send you a notice stating that the back taxes you owe will be recovered by the process of wage garnishment.  Such letters are usually sent out 30 days prior to the start of this tax recovery process.

When the Internal Revenue Service starts threatening you with wage garnishment and levies, and you have exhausted all other means of trying to resolve your debt problems, you should contact northern New Jersey bankruptcy lawyer Rafael Gomez for a free bankruptcy consultation.

If you need help with a wage garnishment matter, contact Rafael Gomez at 201-646-3333.

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